Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fordy Ford fertilizer!!

Hey guys, I just want to know if anyone has been noticing this, but has the absence of a religion or a God has made the citizens of the world state seem nihilistic towards death? I mean this really reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter-House V repetition of "so it goes." He uses this phrase to show a characters death and the world state conditions the youth to treat death as a minor problem. So what do you guys think? I want to hear if you guys found any other connections in this book, if you guys do blog it please!


  1. YES. I think that the members of the "brave new world" state are nihilistic towards just about everythng in general. Death is just death, decanting is just decanting, sex is just sex. It seems to me that nobody really finds anything truly thrilling so much as simply something to do when their bored.

  2. Most definitely agree! But I wonder, what other reason could there be that compells the "social body" to act that way? Is it really so largely attributed to the absence of a god? I ask because there are many people in our own society who don't act that way, so robotically and emotionally dead, and they haven't even the most remote concept of God...

  3. Not only is it the absence ofGOd, but the complete removal of the worth of the individual. I believe the lack of religion adds onto the belittlement of a person, but not necessaerily the main cause.

  4. Life is completely devalued in Braave New World. It is evident in the scene with John and the Deltas. John is vehemently crying out to God while everyone around him is filled with confusion. Lamenting a death is not an emotion that they are acustomed to, especially one so personal. Therefore I completely agree with your idea Alex.

  5. I would also argue that there is an abscence of living-I mean of striving to do better- all they do is exist. They are less than human

  6. I agree the absence of a supreme being is true....The whole caste system are in comparison to robots. The only one that is in charge, is the Director as the head cordinator. Maybe from their perspective he is their G-d. He tells them what to do and teach them what he believes is significant. They have no say so in there life and when death is near, its only to them a cycle in life. With nothing else to look forward to after that.
