Thursday, December 16, 2010


I know we're almost done with poetry, but does anyone remember haiku? 5, 7, 5? They were always one of my favorite forms of poetry mostly because they were so simple. I was hoping everone could write a few here and comment on each others as well. If you're bad at haiku write another poem (yours or someone elses) for everyone to analyize.
YAY poetry!... I wrote a few of mine, read and enjoy!-- or not, its cool.

Falling on my head
I go walking in the rain
Without a hat on

One thing on my mind
Only one thing on my mind
I'm going to eat you

This rising of sun
I pray if the dawn should break
That I may break too


  1. They were my favorite when I was younger, I'm no good ar writing them anymore. But I'll try and post one tomorrow

  2. Emyleigh,

    We're not almost done with poetry!
