Friday, December 2, 2011

The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin

So for my independent reading book, i chose to read the Adventures of Huckleberry fin and frankly, im loving it. Huckleberry is just the kind of boy that doesnt know any better about his actions and is just very naive, mostly due to the fact that he used to have no home or education, or manners. This book would have been a great addition for us to have read in class because along with Native son, it ties into racism, discrimination and dissaproval toward Huckleberry and his household's black servant Jim. Since huckleberry doesnt know the rules of society, he is unaware that befriending Jim is frowned uppon and even after Jim tells him that their friendship can't be, huckleberry doesnt care.

1 comment:

  1. So are there any parallels or similarities between Jim and Bigger?
