Saturday, May 5, 2012

Graduation Angst

As graduation approaches, so do many other important things. College has been the one thing that has kept most of us busy. Whether it's financial aid, scholarships, or housing, the truth is we are probably all overwhelmed by now. Not to mention the stress we are all feeling this very moment due to our upcoming AP test. What I've been doing to help me study for the test is go over one of the study aids designed for our class. They help tremendously if you take the time to actually work out the tests and study the terms. What I like to do is go over a section that I don't feel very confident in and then after I study it, I'll take a quiz from the book. I have also been taking Mrs. Ross' advice and been going through all the handouts she has given us all year. It's interesting to look at the scores we got in the reading practices she gave us and see what we have improved on. I would strongly recommend everyone to really know all the AP terms or atleast familiarize yourself with them because that is going to be a big part of the test; there are a lot of them so it's best to have them down. In my book, it recommends that you take one full length test a week before the test. We're almost there guys, let's finish strong!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jasmin, you had to say it. Yes! Graduation is just around the corner and it is getting harder and harder to smile and not think of everybody's faces drifting away...w're all going away to pursue our dreams and somehow being forced to turn our backs to each other. The good times, the bad times and even the akward times are becoming boxed memories, but we must do the best we can with the time we have left with each other. Lets have fun and smile each and every day!
