Monday, April 30, 2012

Scholarships and Goodbyes

I have been very busy lately with scolarship essays and recomentations, etc. Mrs. Rivers has been a great help. maybe yo guys can follow up with her if you need advice on what to do with your life, were you want to go, your goals, everything that yo need advice with she'll be there to guide you through. also, you know enrollment fee is about 300? well jobs anyone? because i sure wouldnt be able to manage that on top of everything else! i suggest babysitting or maybe cleaning your neighbors job for a couple bucks, you can also tutor your neighbor (or aunt's) troubled kid for a generous donation( wink wink) :)
I recommend you do something most people feel lazy about doing like cleaning after their dogs or giving them a bath etc. you guys catch my roll? You should also think abut getting a piggy bank in case your tire pops one day on your way to school or in case you NEED a car!
Junk food anyone? cut it out of your diet and see how much money you'll actually save! (trust me, alot!). Back to the money issue, lie to your parents and say the movie tickets increased by a dollar or two, if you go out every weekend then you should see your wallet slowly increase by 2's and if its not, the obviously you are doing something very wrong (lol).
Yes, my post might be a little humerous but take the advice and save up or work for those 300, or 500, or however much it takes for you guys to go to college. its a great opportunity to do it not only for yourselfs but for all the people that immigrate into this country wishing for a better life, do it for them, so that one day, you guys can be great doctors, helping the minority or teachers, educating those who WANT to be educated. Do it for the sake of doing it! Just because you can.
I hope to see all you guys at ASU or something close to that in the fall. I've come to love all of you guys because through these years, we have been like a giant family, helping each other through the path that we have chosen and I really wish the best for all of you, and if for whatever reason, your life is not filled with accomplishment then let it be filled with happines:) (tear).

ps. I know theres still a month of school left, two accodring to darlene (inside joke) but it just so sad sometimes. Sorry you guys :)

The AP curse

Are you guys ready for the AP exam? I know I'm not fully prepared for everything that might be slammed in my face that day. But, I've been practicing the terms a lot lately. It's what I've had the most trouble with and now I've been improving when it comes to identifying the terms. For instance,  while I'm reading my book, Life of Pi, I'll constantly pick out the similes, metaphors, and the few instances of allusions I've seen. It's becoming something that I do whenever I read any form of literature. It's definitely helping, but I can't seem to stop. Sometimes it will ruin my immersion, but it's for the best...

What are you guys working on for the exam? Is AP leaving it's mark on you?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

College Readiness

Has everyone gone through the steps for their pathway to college?
Well, I can definitely speak about ASU.

First, make sure to stay updated with your MyASU, because you never know what scholarships and financial aid you can receive. Also, check your regular email and ASU email to stay updated, because that is the main medium of communication.

Follow the process & quickly! BEcause tomorrow is actually the last day to accept all financial aid packages.

Confirm your major, and pick your dorm rooms before there is no space!
Be sure to sign up for orientations, which start in June! There is a $75 fee if you want to bring someone along with you.

DO NOT be afraid to ask for help. Dr. Rivers is a stupendous help for this sort of thing. Also, don't shy away from chatting with ASU personnel, or calling them. THEY ARE THERE FOR  US!

Friday, April 27, 2012

OMG the Test is Near! What can I do?

So the time for the A.P. English Exam is approaching and we find ourselves scrambling to study. Many of us rely solely upon those A.P. study books but carelessly look through them realizing they are overwhelmed by words that never really state a point. Of course if you enjoy reading it on the side that is your deal but I know only a few days remain for that test and the least you want is an overwhelming feeling. Remember K.I.S.S.? Keep it simple stupid! Well don't overload yourself the night before the test or even a week prior to. Relax and handle it step by step. First review what you know. That includes the information from books read in class and on the side. Don't forget that %45 of the test also includes the multiple choice and if you know you are that person who can't make up their mind (which I can relate) then just remember to move on or choose the most logical answer. Remember K.I.S.S.! Work on quotes as well. Tey can be your last resort if you feel you are going to blow that essay. Also be conceded. What I mean is include yourself. Remember you don't want to bore the reader but interest and engage them into believing what you have to say. I will say this GET A GOOD REST! I don't know how to emphasize it more. It's also recommended you take snacks to keep you energized through those 3 hours. Since (assuming) you have all taken the SAT then you understand how tiresome one can be after the exam. Relax. Try your best and don't cram information the night before. :D GOOD LUCK TESTERS!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bernard: The Byronic Hero

In the first chapters of Brave New World we are introduced to Bernard, a timid outsider. He being an Alpha Plus is supposed to be the epitome of civilization, the perfect conditioned man. Yet perhaps because of the extra alcohol he exemplifies rather the opposite. His gaunt demeanor, gives much to yearn for, and rather than use kindness to get what he wants Bernard yells at lower caste members to follow his orders. I personally didn't like Bernard when he was first introduced but as the story keeps going like many modern men, he looses himself in the high of pleasure. Bernard's acceptance after he brings the savage, proves to be better than soma and prehaps more addicting. Now Bernard has a girl or even two in bed every night, he has "friends" but at the cost of his identity. Do you find Bernard to be a likeable character, prehaps a byronic hero? Do you feel that Bernard like Siddhartha, will reach a high point of pleasure/alleged acceptance yet feel envious that the void of knowing your different and unhappy will never be filled?

Consumerism, A double edged sword.

One of the things highlighted in Brave New World is Huxley's fear that what we love will bring about our downfall--Consumerism. Unlike 1984 which illuminates many fear tactics and psychologically oppressive stratagies used by Tyranical governments, Huxley focuses more on the governments of developed countries. Consumerism is generally found in capilist countries, the equivalent of socialism in repressive countries. Although capitalist countries generally have great wealth, they have their own flaws. In our country people have given up their political powers for consumer sovereignty--which smartphone we should buy instead of decisions that truely make a difference. This is one of the fears Huxlely warned about consumerism in Brave New World.

Identity vs. Society

For this block's independent reading, I chose to do The Picture of Dorian Gray.
To my surprise, this book has been a pretty fun read. Im not far into the book yet but I get the vive that it has to do with finding your true identity and no matter how many people try to inrfluence you, its better to remain independent from bias and not everybody is looking out for your best interest. Does this sound familiar? Duh!

Block 2, I read the Adventures of Huckleberry Fin and that was relatable because it dealt with knowing yoouself and your limits as well as being free of social bias. Huckk is confronted with either doing what his identity tells him is right (to not turn Tim into to the police) or to do what society expact him to do (turn Tim in).

Could We say that Frankenstein is also about identity? The Monster as well as Victor deal with the need to please society's ideals but are torn with wanting to follow their true nature.

The Brave New World is full of Identity crissis. Can you guys think of any other books that deal with this popular theme?

I know The Brave New World is full of it. If you guys could help me out with examples, it would be great. Thank you.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will I Ever be an Individual?

How hard is it to completely break free of societal and environmental standards, mentalities, and pressures and follow your own path?

Let the novels and writers speak for themselves:
Victor Frankenstein broke all the rules and did what no being had ever done, recreated human life. However, horrified of the monster's facade, he abandoned it, telling only one soul before his death, afraid of judgement from his peers, and society.

Siddhartha takes a path through life trying to depart from those who follow teachers, determined to find, conquer, and teach himself. Only to find out that it is, in fact, a cycle that many people take in life- going to trials and experiences to find themselves, and create an identity upon it. Having a child that would do the same thing.

Bigger Thomas wanted so badly to free of white oppression, but was too afraid to even talk to them. His surroundings conditioned him to be this way. Not only did he fit the stereotype of a black male in the ghetto, but remained a static character. His idea of free was accepting the fact that he was a murderer. Not repentance, or redemption.

And so we learn that breaking free isn't so easy. The question becomes, can it be completely achieved?

Huxley a time traveler?

Aldous Huxley seemed to have a great sense of what the future had in store for us. His book "A Brave New World" was like a window into 21st century society. It painted a world where consumerism is at the heart of everyone's mind, and no day goes by where people aren't completely lost in their self indulgent lifestyles. Of course not everyone enjoys of the luxuries, but for the most part they've all been "brainwashed" into believing that "happiness" needs to be in the form of instant gratification. Fast forward into the world of 2012, and here you see a part of "brave new world." Most non third world countries live in a state of gratification by convenience. We get what we want when we want it. We've gotten to the point where we don't even have to leave our homes because just about anything can be ordered to our doorsteps. We live an "Alpha" lifestyle & very rarely does the general population care for what is happening to "the savages", third world countries. Do you guys believe we will ever transcend this way of living?

Like Meat

Is it just me, or do women in A Brave New World sound like love crazed objects? Women such as Lenina are described as pneumatic; which is to be of air. That’s making them some sort of inflatable pillow perfect for bed. Plus, they can be seen following men around like Helmholtz pretending to be lovesick puppies. The way the men talk about the women degrade them to food. “I’m surprised you haven’t had her,” Like she’s the specialty of the week. However, does the “every one belongs to everyone,” degrade males as well? Basically, are the two genders dehumanized to the same level or do women bear the brunt of it? If that is so, then why would Huxley degrade them like that?