Friday, October 6, 2017

What role would the Puritans way of life play in modern society?

I believe that if the Puritanical lifestyle would still be around today, there would a slight decrease in crimes possibly. Since the rules were so strict, I hardly think anyone would desire to break them risking execution. Although it wouldn't be the desired way of life for many individuals such as I, it's interesting to think of the vast differences such a strict power would lead to. What do you guys think?

What would have happened if Dimmesdale was the receiver of the ignominy and Hester was the one who kept silent?

I personally believe that Dimmesdale would have possibly gotten a worse sentence because of his position of power. The whole town looked up to him for guidance, just to be let down/disappointed. Gender roles might play a factor in this scenario, but since Dimmesdale was the one who was well known than he might have been subjected to more judgement and criticisms. What do you guys think?

What would you do if you were placed in the same situation as Chillingworth?

If I were to be placed in Chillingworth's position, I feel as if I would become angry at Hester, but not wish physical or mental harm onto her or her lover. What she did was unforgivable, even if she wasn't given the amount of love she desired, but becoming so entrenched in getting revenge would not help the situation at all. The guilt alone would suffice in my opinion. Just the way I see it, what would you guys do?

What Would You Do If You Were Pearl?

Would you accept Dimmesdale as a father? Would you defend Hester from the public? Would you stay with Hester if you knew about her act of adultery? To me, I would accept Dimmesdale as a father because he is one of the few people who treated Pearl as a normal kid. I'm not sure if I would defend Hester against the public, unless if she tells me why people are scolding her. I would also stay with Hester if I knew that she had committed adultery, because it is what created Pearl in the first place.

The Scarlet Letter

What were your thoughts on The Scarlet Letter? Did you enjoy the novel or not? Did it change how you viewed your surroundings? Also, would you recommend the book to someone else? Why or why not?

Personally, I enjoyed The Scarlet Letter quite a lot. It helped give me a new perspective on how to view previously existing ideas in today's society. It just helps to bring to mind the idea of gender roles and the double standards that society has imposed upon its members. I would also try to recommend this book to someone else, but only if they are interested in its genre or are generally looking for something interesting to read. It also could help to create some interesting discussion topics and pursuit of what is really "right" or "wrong."

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Hey guys, so one question I wanted to ask you is do you think it was right or wrong for Dimmesdale to keep his sin a secret. I am greatly conflicted because I don’t really know how to answer this question. I feel like Dimmesdale was wrong to keep it a secret, but then at the same time he went through so much guilt and self punishment that living became hard for him.  Do you think he deserved that as compensation for Hester’s punishment? Let me know what you guys think!

Are you a transcendentalist?

How do you guys live your life? By peer pressure, your own choices, or going with the flow? It is simple for us to say that we make our own choices; however, if we take a look around, how many of us actually do things for ourselves and not our friends? The key to being a transcendentalist is to think for yourself while having no boundaries. Maybe boundaries can include family, friends, siblings, or even your enemies. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do because... is it your lives or theirs?How to you identify yourself as? A transcendentalist or someone who is a follower?