Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Sultans of Kabul: insight to their relationship

In The Kite Runner Amir and Hassan expose things about each other others character that we otherwise wouldn't percieve; they're a great example of duel foil characters. Their relationship provides perspective into the internal conflict each faces; Amir with the struggle to seek redemption from his father and Hassans guilessness which blinds him from the true nature of Amir and leaves him susceptible to pain in the form of betrayal. to think though that Amir would be a more noble person because of his status knowlegde and upbringing and Hassan would be more callous and selfish but in their relationship these traits are switched, in this way they feed off of each other are in a grotesque sense of equanimity; Amir ostricizes Hassan yet seeks validation from him and Hassan claims he would do anything "a thousand times over" for Amir yet he doesn't need amir, he can handle himself and become a great person if he really wanted to. There's many ways to interpret their relationship, how do you guys perscieve it?


  1. I like what you did with the dual foil characters however, I think the culture in which Amir lives in prevents his true friendship with Hassan. Hassan's race are view as slaves in where they live, and seeing a slave and a wealthy individual together as friends is abnormal. With Amir struggle for acceptance, having Hassan around makes it more difficult for him although Hassan is his only true friend.
