Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life is What You Make It.

"Awareness is the quintessential teaching of the Buddha--from the awareness of cool air as you breath in and then out, to the profound awareness of natural perfection. And with boundless compassion and courage, the sole purpose and activity of all the buddhas it is to ring the alarm bell that brings us to this awareness." From the reading of Siddhartha, I gained a certain cognizance and perspective on my past,present and most importantly my future. Like Siddhartha, I wish to acheive a catharsis--where I can make sense of all the hurt, happiness, frustrating, confusion, pettiness that festers in myself (at times) and that surrounds me. Buddhism beleives that with every decision there is a lesson awaiting, whether that lesson is wanted or not is irrelevant; whether you learn from it and gain a sense of awareness is what really matters. That said, what was it that you all gained from the reading of Siddhartha? I know the obvious answer may be perspective, and if so, what perspective focally?

1 comment:

  1. What I gained from "Siddartha" is, like you said, the significance "that with every decision there is a lesson awaiting." Although at times it frustrates me to have retrospective, the fact is every experience which I have encountered in my life has made me who I am. That being said, my past does not wholly define me and my future (even though I cannot say what to expect) is a journey of its own in which I cannot wait to experience yet at the same time am apprehensive.
