Sunday, April 1, 2012

Will I Ever be an Individual?

How hard is it to completely break free of societal and environmental standards, mentalities, and pressures and follow your own path?

Let the novels and writers speak for themselves:
Victor Frankenstein broke all the rules and did what no being had ever done, recreated human life. However, horrified of the monster's facade, he abandoned it, telling only one soul before his death, afraid of judgement from his peers, and society.

Siddhartha takes a path through life trying to depart from those who follow teachers, determined to find, conquer, and teach himself. Only to find out that it is, in fact, a cycle that many people take in life- going to trials and experiences to find themselves, and create an identity upon it. Having a child that would do the same thing.

Bigger Thomas wanted so badly to free of white oppression, but was too afraid to even talk to them. His surroundings conditioned him to be this way. Not only did he fit the stereotype of a black male in the ghetto, but remained a static character. His idea of free was accepting the fact that he was a murderer. Not repentance, or redemption.

And so we learn that breaking free isn't so easy. The question becomes, can it be completely achieved?


  1. I Believe achieving it completely depends on the individual. Siddartha achieved (in my opinion) his individuality, he broke free from any other influence and trully became his own person. Bigger thomas however, didnt get to break free from society's hold on him and died knowing that he was never going to be more than what society painted him as. If someone dies without knowing that they were avobe everything then they were never able to be their own person, they were controlled by society.
    in Frankenstein, both characters died giving into what society would have approved of; The monster was on the run and hid from the puublic eye and Victor became obsessed with anihalating the monstosity.

  2. Why aren't more people commenting on this? It is a great question!
