Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What does culture mean to you?

Since the focus for this block is on culturally significant works, one must first have a clear definition of what culture is. Add your ideas!


  1. Well, if you ask me, culture is the way a society behaves. This includes traditions, courteous behavior, and even such simplicities as food and cooking styles.

  2. Culture is just generational ideals, beliefs and values that are continually being spun a different way with each new generation, but maintains the basic concepts created by the original founders. Culture promotes distinction among groups, but prevents conventionality. With the billions of people on this planet, there are too many cultures to count, but all the diversity will either create separation or tolerance, but variance is necessary and always there. Culture provides guidelines and morals for whomever is willing to accept them, or for those "born into" them.

  3. To go off what Vida said, perhaps true culture is what we make of it, how we interpret it instead of how it supposedly "dictates" our lives.

  4. To me Culture is an inheridence that you take in, that is passed on to generation to genertation.....My mother being full blooded Apache has always try to pass on her thoughts and culture along to us yet, it's harder for her because she moved away from her family to better her children lives therfore.....Phoenix was the new place..I guess what im trying to say is, the line of culture can be influenced greatly if you inheret it but, it's harder to pass on if you dont have support or structure form your surroundings...
