Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yo! New-Century Buddhism!

Did you guys read my post earlier this week? I essentially was wondering what religious leaders can do in order to not be lost in this century, how could they appeal to the younger crowds!
Well, I happened to stumble upon this, quite arbitrary actually. I think it is funny.


  1. That's great. It is a creative ploy that may hook some teens. The question is, will it keep them? Now that I used the word ploy, I'm almost thinking of sales. These monks have had to become salesmen! It's funny but a little frightening, too.

  2. I don' believe there is a way, in this day and age, where one can actually get young people interested in anything, that to them seems trivial. Especially religion,I mean we can't even get them to be interested in education.

    For example many of our peer would have laughed at this monk (just like they laugh at Caffee when all he is trying to do is get kids to be interested in math).
    We might not laugh, but that is because we see the deeper message, a religious man trying to keep his religion, his culture alive.

    I don't know,but hopefully there is way to get the younger generation interested in some of this fascinating stuff.

