Monday, March 10, 2014


I recently retook the SAT exam and I noticed that I was able to finish the essay potion of the exam this time. (despite it only being 25 minutes long). AP has really helped me improve as a writer. Have you personally seen improvement in your own writing?


  1. I plan on taking the SAT in May and I hope all of the practice with AP will help me with the essays. But to answer your question, I do see a little improvement in my writing and being able to write an essay in a matter of 40 minutes.

  2. I know how to write better print now :) sooooooo yes?

  3. Honestly, I feel as if I haven't changed much. I've always struggled with hooks and analyzing which only wastes more time for me.

  4. I also took the SAT exam and despite the time being 25 minutes for the writing portion, i finished in time. This class has helped me so far in getting my ideas,processing information, and writing them down faster.

    1. I agree with maythe having also recently taking the test this class has helped me write faster with more percise ideas

  5. I haven't taken the SAT yet, but I think all of these timed essays will help me to do well with that portion of the test when I do take it.

  6. I do not believed my work has improved much but I'm kind of a bad critic towards my own work so maybe I have but I do not feel comfortable with where I am at right now.
