Monday, January 26, 2015

Bonfire Night

Today in class we discussed Guy Fawkes Day, also known as Bonfire Night. I found it quite interesting that the UK celebrates this holiday to commemorate the failure of the gunpowder plot. They basically spend a day rejoicing over something that didn't happen. Do you know of any (are there any?) other holidays celebrated over things that didn't happen?


  1. For some reason the Guy Fawkes Day remined me of 4th of july. One celibrates the failure of a attack; on the otherhand the other one celibrates a rejoice of independence. Maybe it was the fire works that made me think of 4th of july.

    1. I can see how you'd relate the two, especially since England is so old and doesn't have an "Independence" day or a National holiday that commemorates their country. I was just wondering if there are any other holidays that celebrate things that never happened.

  2. I do not know any other days but when I think of Guy Fawkes I think of V for Vendetta. In the movie however the Parliament was blown down. I didn't know that guy Fawkes was religious and that bombing was based on it. I guess it makes me more objective and understanding on why people didn't like him
