Thursday, May 1, 2014

Approaching the Exam

What approaches have you guys taken outside of class to prepare for the exam? Any strategies that you have found helpful? Study guides? etc.


  1. I've been looking at the Sparknotes and Shmoop pages for a lot of the books we've read in class, just to get a general overview of the plot and characters again. It's kind of like having a study guide for an entire book, in a way.

  2. I've been reciting all of the vocabulary terms. I try to break down their meaning so I don't rely too much on memory. That way during the test I can figure out the meaning of a word if I can't directly remember it.

  3. I use sparknotes and also reviewing the texts and ap literary terms we were given. I am very nervous about the exam but I know that I am going to give it everything I got.

  4. Those are really good ideas! Shmoop also provided quotes relveant to particular themes with the text, which allows for precise quotations of text if you're up for a little memorization.

    And Kaylyn, that's a cool way of learning the meaning of the words. I have trouble with memorization and that would be a wise way of tackling the vocab.

  5. I used the english ap stud guide all the time to prepare for the test and i truly feel that it served my benefit now that the test is over i can see how much these hours of reading have served their purpose

  6. I bought a separate study guide for all of my classes but now that I look back on it, it for the most part helped but not as much as I would have thought. I just went in to the test thinking I know what I know and everything else I don't.
