Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ideas/Plans for Summer Reading

What are you guys planning to read over the summer (assuming that you read outside of the classroom)? I'm going to try to finish The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain by the end of the year because I finished my independent reading and it is a pretty small book, though it might leak into after-graduation.

After that, my reading bucket-list says The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling then The Phantom Tollbooth

(You know, I like Mark Twain's writing. I'm exactly sure why, but I love his work.)

Anyways, share your thoughts, please.


  1. I was thinking of reading In Cold Blood or Paradise Lost over the summer depending on how my schedule turns out. The small passage we got of In Cold Blood on one of the practice exams got me pretty interested, and the information Mrs. Ross has given us about Paradise Lost makes it sound pretty intriguing. If I have enough time, maybe I'll read both!

  2. I was also thinking of reading In Cold Blood because of the practice test! It sounds exciting. I also wanted to read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. I feel like it's becoming more relevant to society today, based on a few passages I've read over the years, and I've been meaning to read the whole thing. The only other book I want to read is The Sound and The Fury by Faulkner. Never read anything by him and Ross mentioned that it's based on a good quote from Macbeth, so I'm looking into it.

  3. I plan on reading a few books this summer. Hopefully a few classics.

  4. In Cold Blood was also on my list and I want to get around to more of Steinbeck's short novels for something light.

  5. I've really wanted to read more classics with my new found ability to actual pick up symbolic importance and id like to use classics to gauge my growth. I'm thinking books such as huckleberry fin, to kill a mockingbird, catcher in the rye but im not open to suggestions.

  6. ALEX: I've really wanted to read more classics with my new found ability to actually pick up symbolic importance and id like to use classics to gauge my growth. I'm thinking books such as huckleberry fin, to kill a mockingbird, catcher in the rye but i'm not open to suggestions. Are there any books that you recommend? Are there any books in particular that you plan to read over summer?
