Friday, May 16, 2014

Independent Reading Book

Sometimes re-reading a book again may seem a little bit of work or we become idle when it comes to reading it again. Did you guys find it helpful to read again a book you had read before? Did reading it again help you learn more about the book or make more connections now that you may have more background information since when you first read it? or any other opinions...?


  1. I think re-reading The Grapes of Wrath helped me because I was able to recognize more from the Steinbeck's writing style and I was able to connect or relate more to the book. In addition, I was able to reveal more symbolism between the objects and the characters.

  2. At times when re-reading a book I feel as if I'm not that into it as before only because I know whats going to happen, however, I do take in more information after re-reading it because I may have missed things from the first time.
