Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Macbeth's Fate

Act 4 scene 3 Malcolm stated

"With this there grows
In my most ill-composed affection such
A stanchless avarice that, were I king,
I should cut off the nobles for their lands,
Desire his jewels and this other’s house.
And my more-having would be as a sauce
To make me hunger more, that I should forge
Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal,
Destroying them for wealth."
He says that he would have become to greedy as king and destroyed all the loyalty nobles and everyone would have had for him. So I had a thought today when someone asked if the prophecy would have still occurred if Macbeth would have not taken action upon his own fate. Maybe when Malcolm would have become king things would have turned out the way he states in the passage shown. Meaning Macbeth would have the duty to the take action as a noble and Thane to save the crown. This action could have eventually led him to becoming king earnestly. What do you guys think ?


  1. When reading this passage in class, I thought about my philosophy class. When talking about Fate in my philosophy class, I asked my class if they were to choose to know their fate, would they? Many of my classmates said they would not like to know their fate, even if that meant changing their fate. Then I thought about Macbeth and what he would say. Do you think Macbeth would change his Fate knowing what he knows now?

    1. I also would chose not to know my fate . Yet , I believe Macbeth would chanhe his fate with what he knew.

  2. That is definitely a possibility. I think Shakespeare truly left it up to his readers to imagine what would have happened if Macbeth had not touched his fate. This interpretation is really up to how you interpret Malcolm's monologue: do you think he was just being honest about his faults or do you think he was just testing Macduff? If he was truly admitting to these faults, then your inference is absolutely possible.

    1. I believe that he was being true to Macduff while testing him.
