Friday, February 27, 2015


Although Siddhartha has become wealthy among merchant men
 He has developed ownership for material things, but what i admire about Siddhartha is that even though he lost himself he eventually found himself. 


  1. A lot of the times we reach a point in life where we don't like who we are, we sometimes think about it as if we are stuck and give up , but Siddartha did not , and I agree it is very admirable about him.

  2. I don't know, I still thinks parts of him are lost. He lost his ability to fast,wait, and think. But, I can see him reflecting on his mistake and trying to make an honest man out of himself again.

    1. I agree with you on this one. I don't think Siddhartha is fully "together." I think as time goes on he will grow from his experiences but a little bit of him will still be lost unless he completely finds himself.

  3. I agree with you. Although Siddarth did begin to get invilved in mor material things, he now went back to his old normal ways.

  4. I agree with Cynthia! Siddhartha's experiences have changed him! When someone almost cookies suicide or is dissatisfied with their life they can change themselves, but their memories and experiences start with them...

  5. It's funny how Siddhartha morphed into a merchant after he smirked at them before. It's like he had to fall to his lowest point and experience all these aspects of life to reach Nirvana. It makes me wonder how Gotama did it.

  6. Yeah its something to admire about Siddhartha. But could I also be a bad thing ? I mean changing constantly isn't necessarily a good thing and going back doesn't mean that it's all okay.

  7. This makes me wonder, do we have to lose ourselves to truly find ourselves?

    1. i was thinking the same thing! but what happens to those who cant find themselves?

  8. I think he found more than himself. My tia always tells me that it takes a person to hit rock bottom, to finally learn their mistakes, and rise even higher than before.
