Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Train From Rhodesia: The Lion

Although I agree with everyone in class who said the wife was disappointed in the husband for purchasing the lion for a cheaper price because she felt sorry for the seller, I also think that the wife feels the lion lost its beauty. She thought it was beautiful, the only reason she didn't purchase it was because they already bought many other souvenirs. She was willing to pay the original price, even a little more, but when her husband bought it for less she felt that all the poor man's hard work went down the drain.


  1. The fact that the he had to bargain with the man is selfish. The merchant had to make a living somehow and the man just took away all the hard work that it took to make lion carving.

  2. I agree with you on the fact that it almost seemed that she lost the beauty she saw in the lion. I'm still wondering as to why it was only the lion that stuck out to her. Like how you stated in that she had already bought souvenirs, why couldn't those speak to her in the same way.

    1. After reading Lupe's comment I think I can conclude that the reason why only the lion lost its beauty was because of her husband's selfishness.

  3. Exactly! I believe the same thing as well. The lion's beauty was lost because of selfishness from the husband who did not want to pay a few dollars to a poor man.

    1. I agree with you Lupe because after she found out he did not pay the original price she was very disappointed and and was so enraged and probably almost humiliated the value and the beauty of the lion was no longer the same time her

    2. Ah, I see your point.

  4. I don't think the beauty itself was lost, but her perception of the lion did change. This is mainly because the memory she had of the lion changed.

    1. I agree with you because throughout the story it talks about her wondering at how these new trinkets and items will fit into her new life and if they will become a cherished memory, but not only did her vision of the lion change, the entire memory of the trip has been corrupted.

  5. I feel where you're coming from Clarissa, all the lion's beauty was lost once the price was dropped. Although, I do question the other figures she already had purchased besides the lion, what was their value? Did they have any to begin with? Also, were they bought bargained down or full price?

  6. Yeah, I see that--actually didn't see that. I think what also made the carving ugly was the husband's ignorance and uncaringness of the racial and social injustice.

  7. I never thought of it that way Clarissa.This goes with quality over quantity. When we see someone put their heart and soul into something it makes it that much more special. I don't think the woman will ever look at the lion the same again.

  8. Yes, the persepective of the lion changed, but I guess I could say that I understand that the man is just cheap and selfish. I don't feel as if he is such a horrible person.
